Building an Online Business – Site Creation

Site creation is probably the most important step in starting your online business. Without a functioning website, you’re not going to get very far. However, creating your site doesn’t have to be a difficult process and it’s certainly not something you want to spend all your resources and time on. For example, you can make a website yourself, but spend countless hours trying to get everything to work and look right or you hire a design firm to do it in a fraction of the time, but spend thousands of dollars in the process.

You want to find that happy medium. Today, the most popular form of creating a website is to build a blog. A blog is a very simplistic approach to posting information online–after all, the term ‘blog’ simply means web-log. Blogs are used for all sorts of sites ranging from personal to technical, political to fanatical and everything in between. It’s only in recent years that businesses have begun to harness the power of blogs.

So how do you build one? Well, fortunately, you don’t have to! There is already software out there that has done it for you. All you have to do is get the core structure in place and fill it up with content. This type of software is referred to as a Content Management System (CMS).

Of course, you don’t have to use a CMS for your site, but it will save you TONS of time and possibly LOTS of money! Since this section is all-encompassing, you will still find it useful–simply skip the CMS portion.

Site Creation

The order of this list is a rough estimate of how you should proceed, but as some areas are more advanced than others, you can continue as you see fit. For the sake of publishing this online, not every section will be available at once.

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