Quick Disneyland trip

Today was another trip to Disneyland. Nothing special happened, but we did take a few pictures (which I don’t have at the moment) and I beat my friend over at Toy Story Mania in California Adventure. My score was 171,100–hers, 165,400. That’s it. It got too cold and there was suprisingly a lot of people there, so we rolled out.


Has it really come to this?


I found this floating around the internet and it’s no joke! I can’t think of one person who would actually want this–especially since this is how it looks when plugged into your computer:

USB Fox in the pc

This is a fully functional USB drive and if you’re serious about getting this, or you have a friend that will get a kick out of it, you can pick it up from USBGeek.com.

UPDATE July 5, 2011 — It looks like this item is no longer available from USBGeek.com.

I'm here for the dishwasher?

I was headed to one of my jobs today and I started driving about 25 minutes to get there in the rain and traffic. Anyway, I arrive at the location only to find out it’s a gated community.

I called the client to have them open the gate and said ok. The gate remained closed. I called back. She said she was openin it. Gate still closed. I called back and as she was attempting to open it, someone behind me opened the gate instead. Finally I drive in.

While that is lame within itself, here’s the rest. I drive around this maze looking for her address no thanks to my gps, which placed her house in a different spot than it was. Once I found it, I rang the doorbell.

I go in and the client says “You’re here for the dishwasher, right?”

I fix computers.

I explained to her that I was there for the computer and she tells me somone already came and fixed it a few days back. Lame.

P.S. As I was walking out the door, she said “I didn’t think you were here for the dishwasher; you’re dressed too nicely!” Sorry Mr. Dishwasher Repair Man, but you need some new clothes!

New Doors CD

I just got the new Doors double cd, The Very Best of The Doors and I must say it’s freakin’ awesome!! One thing I wanted to share before I elaborate on this is that if you listen to Back Door Man, you’ll hear at 22 seconds a voice overdub that says “Yeah, come on.” Thinking this may have been some sort of mistake, I pulled out my old recordings of this song and although the quality hardly permits, you can actually hear the same words be uttered at the same time marker. I’ve never heard this before and I went looking for some answers on the matter, but have yet to find any. The voice does not sound like Jim Morrison speaking.

I’ll get back to this post with some more opinions on the rest of this album soon.

Buy some coins from late-night commercials

I was just watching a commercial before turning the tv off and I happened to catch one of those famous commercials offering some commemorative coin for about $20 plus shipping and handling of course.  Now, while watching the ad, it metions you can get a newly minted coin worth $20USD and you only pay face value plus shipping.  In order for them to sell these, they tell you a couple things.  One, the coin is a limited edition collector’s item, so naturally, the value is going to be much higher than face value due to their rarity.  Second, they tell you that you can only buy five coins per caller.  This point is meant to make you think that their limited quantities are actually of a lower number than you may have originally thought.  If you’re a collector or more specifically a coin collector, this might entice you to make illegitimate attempts to secure more than five coins thinking that you duped the system and are now “ahead” of the curve for it.

Before you call the number, you might want to read on.  The company I’m referring to is the National Collector’s Mint, which I’ll call the NCM from here on out.  Some quick facts:

  1. The NCM cannot produce legal tender for the United States or it’s territories.
  2. NCM is a corporation with international contracts to make legal currency for other countries.
  3. Their legal tender is only legal in Liberia.
  4. The NCM does sell U.S. legal currency at times.

Let’s start with number one.  First of all, there’s only one entity that can produce legal tender for the United States and that’s the U.S. Mint.  While any company or individual can create custom coinage or novelty currency, none of it can be used as currency.  Number two and three; the NCM holds contracts with other countries (usually 3rd world) which allow them to create that countries legal currency.  So from time to time, they make a coin that will commemorate an event or person in the United States that actually holds value in another country (usually Liberia).  This is all legal and perfectly legit.

Number four; to add to the confusion, the NCM does offer some legal items and rare coins from time to time.  The problem is that they mix these items with the ones they create thus very likely giving the impression that the NCM is always selling legal coins.  Of course, any smart person would always read the fine print before buying anything, but this practice is still frowned upon.

Now for some simple math.  At any given time, a US dollar (USD) will fetch about 64 Liberian dollars (LRD).  What this means is that if you spend $20USD on a coin only legal in Liberia, you’ll end up getting a coin worth about $0.99USD.  This is not counting the shipping and handling.  Enjoy!

Happy New Year!! 2009

For anyone who’s not drunk for some reason and happens to be viewing my site at this hour when you should be partying, here’s a happy new year greet!! And fear not, I posted this before Christmas, so wherever I am, I can assure you I’m not posting here just for you.

If you don’t hear from me later today, call someone; I may need help.

Otherwise, enjoy this sick painting I found. It’s here to mark the very first post of 2009!

2009 PaintingFor those who care, I cannot take credit for the art above. This work was found at this link: http://colorcubic.com/blog/2008/06/07/2009-our-time-to-shine/

Last day of the year…

Here I am once again on the final day of another year! Anyway, nothing much is happening so far. I’m working as usual, but I do have the day off tomorrow which means I plan to get really drunk tonight! The plan is to have some people over to the house, so we’ll see how it all goes down.

Just a random thought…we always call our years out by saying “ninety-nine”, “two-thousand”, “oh-nine”, but what will we say for 2010? Will it be “oh-ten”, “two-thousand-ten”, “twenty-ten” or is there anyone out there that will just say “ten”?? Either way, we still have one more year to decide. I might do that last one just to irritate people; much like I say “bless you” when people cough. 😉

Anyway, I’m off to continue waiting for this computer to restore. Peace out and have a happy new year!

Replacing the iPhone enclosure

I’m re-posting this tutorial I found online mainly for my information, but you might benefit from it as well. I’ve looked and looked for a way to turn my iPhone into a black one without having to have the lower model 3G version, so here it is. By the way, to purchase the casing, there’s two places I’ve found so far that appear to sell the same product and a lot cheaper than some overseas places I’ve seen. The first one I always hear about is CNN.cn. Everytime I’ve checked, they’ve been sold out, so I found this one as well: WeLoveMacs.com. Both sell them for $30-40.

Another quick note: the sim card caddy is mentioned to be painted black in the article down below, but if you want to get a black metal replacement for your new backing, I’ve only seen it sold on CNN.cn for $9.99.


Matt McK took the time to write up this detailed step-by-step guide on how to replace the back casing of the iPhone with a black one. His tutorial follows…

Ever since the iPhone was originally announced I’ve always wished it was black.

When i picked one up the first weekend they were released I even thought about powdercoating my back to make it black. Luckily, CNN.cn came out with replacement silver and black metal housings to save me the trouble. Well, not entirely, as I’m sure many people have seen already in the earlier thread how the results look, but no where offers a “how-to “do it!

There are a handful of sites that show how to take the iPhone apart, but no one actually shows how to remove all the delicate pieces from the rear housing. I’ve swapped housings on a number of different phones, but have never run into one as complicated and delicate as the iPhone.

So everyone doesn’t ruin their new toy, I’ll try to walk you through the process here. I’m going to jump right into the housing assuming that you’ve already taken it off. If you don’t know how to do that, google search and read one of the half dozen sites that show you how. This is the end result:

Black iPhone -Not a 3G
Parts you will need:

– new housing
– super tiny philips screwdriver. (The one I found at Ace hardware didn’t even have a number on it. All I know is that ‘0’ was not small enough.)
– small flat head screwdriver
– adhesive remover
– super glue/adhesive
– pen/paper
– patience!

Once you get the back off you’ll be looking at this:

Inside the iPhone
Note the location of screws and where things are glued to. I would suggest labeling all the tiny screws so you know exactly where they go because they are NOT all the same size. I took a lot of pictures throughout the process so I could reference exactly where everything went when I was ready to put it all back together.

Inside the iPhone
Inside the iPhone
Inside the iPhone
Once you remove all the screws and electronic components you’ll be left with the metal skeleton of the original housing. Quite honestly, this is the hardest part about the swap.

iPhone enclosure parts
The skeleton is glued on by some crazy hard cement type glue. I couldn’t seem to find anything to take it off so I finally went to Home Depot and picked up the strongest adhesive remover I could fine. This one removes concrete and flooring so I thought it’d do the trick!
Adhesive remover
Next, pour the solvent on the skeleton ensuring you get it in all the cracks. Let it sit for about 20 -30 minutes. After it’s done its job and using the smallest flat blade screwdriver you have slowly pry away the skeleton. Be careful as these parts are extremely brittle. I cracked quite a few parts of it before i got this solvent and realized the ‘proper’ way to do it.

When you’re finished you’re left with this:
Removed parts
Actually, I think there are a few pieces missing from that pic, but you get the idea.

The housing will then be stripped bare with nothing left on it:

iPhone rear enclosure
As you can see, before I went the “super strong solvent” route, I tried prying the crap out of the parts which bent a number of points of my original housing. No turning back now!

Once everything is taken apart, cleaned, and dried, it’s time to put it back together. I referenced the photos I took earlier to ensure everything was put back in the proper place. I used superglue, but you could really use anything you wanted to hold everything in place. If you’ve gotten this far, you should realize how to put it back together.

New iPhone rear enclosure
Then it’s simply a matter of putting the housing back on the phone and… Voila! An all black iPhone. For the SIM card cover i sprayed SEM trim black paint so it matched the housing.

New black iPhone casing
New black iPhone casing
New black iPhone casing
In Hexproject’s thread he mentions it took him 3 hours and people balked at him thinking it should only take 30 minutes. Those people have no idea what they’re talking about. I spanned this out over two days before/after work and finals. I’m sure it took me close to 3 hours as well. Plus, I had to run back and forth a few times to get the right parts.

The end result is just what I was looking for! I did, however, mess up one part and that was the silent/ring switch. I must not have noted which position it was on when I took it all apart and now it’s stuck on vibrate! Frustrating, but I guess I’ll have to deal with it. I really don’t feel like taking the phone apart again. Anyone know if there’s anyway to turn on the ringer another way than that damn switch?!

Other than that, I hope the post was helpful. Comments are always welcome.