Last day of the year…

Here I am once again on the final day of another year! Anyway, nothing much is happening so far. I’m working as usual, but I do have the day off tomorrow which means I plan to get really drunk tonight! The plan is to have some people over to the house, so we’ll see how it all goes down.

Just a random thought…we always call our years out by saying “ninety-nine”, “two-thousand”, “oh-nine”, but what will we say for 2010? Will it be “oh-ten”, “two-thousand-ten”, “twenty-ten” or is there anyone out there that will just say “ten”?? Either way, we still have one more year to decide. I might do that last one just to irritate people; much like I say “bless you” when people cough. 😉

Anyway, I’m off to continue waiting for this computer to restore. Peace out and have a happy new year!

Just because it's Christmas Eve

I was working today. 🙁 I had four jobs to go to and even though I started earlier than most days, I was still running behind. However, I wanted to share with you three things that happened today which were firsts for me and just a little off. It’s all the more ‘cool’ that it happened today.

1. I arrive at my first job and begin work. I set out to fix an issue with a client not able to get into any SSL sites. It took me much longer than expected and while I was working, this little kid came out of nowhere, ran straight over to me and gave me a big hug. After a few seconds, he ran away again. I wasn’t sure what to make of it, but hey…it was my first Christmas hug.

2. I arrive at my second job and began working on a wireless network. Long story short, when I asked him what he wanted his WPA password to be, he said “password44”. What struck me about this was that it was the exact same password I’ve used for over 5 years! (Of course for the sake of security, the password was a different word, but it was the same as mine nonetheless!)

Homeless Memorial Day

In case you were not aware, today is Homeless Memorial Day. At first I kind of laughed when I heard Tom Leykis talking about it a few days ago, but then I actually looked it up and sure enough, December 21st has been declared to be Homeless Memorial Day. According to the article, because this day is the first day of winter (and therefore the longest night of the year), we’re supposed to be honoring those that having ‘fallen’ in the name of homelessness. Now, call me a jerk if you want, but doesn’t honoring the death of any group of people rank up there with fallen soldiers, fallen victims from natural disasters, fallen victims from war and/or terrorist attacks? If so, do we really want to do that? In some crazy way, doesn’t it detract from and diminish the ‘honor’ from these other innocent victims?

I’m just playing the Devil’s advocate here simply because I’m not too sure how I feel about this. I mean, it’s not like we’re making a Federal holiday or erecting a stone memorial in Washington D.C. or anything.

Anyway, if you read the article, it talks about what this day means. At first glance, you might think we’re just having a day of rememberance (as if we could forget everytime we get off the freeway) for these unlucky souls walking the streets day in and day out, but it seems that it’s slightly more than that. It happens to be about remembering that a lot of homeless people die each year.

I guess it’s hard to relate because now that the economy has taken a dive, some of these people might just be out of a job and after losing all they had in a degrading stock market, this might be their only option. So now we have a mixed group of people; you have dirty crack heads that talk to themselves, starving families living in cars, drug dealers that blow all their profits on more drugs, newly homeless people due to the economy and crazy people that with more aid from the state would likely be in an asylum. That brings me to another point. Sometime in the 70’s, the governer of California (Reagan I think) thought that locking people up in crazy houses was not only costly, but possible in-humane. By the way, the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest is an awesome film!

So we decided to let them all go out into the world and fend for themselves. This is likely the cause of a huge percentage of homeless people on the streets today. With that said, the question is what do we do about it (if anything) and who do you give your spare change to?

It’s easy for us to just keep our money and say if they weren’t so lazy, they could get a job, but maybe there’s other reasons why they can’t that you can’t see. I for one will admit that I don’t give out money to these people. The main reason is I hardly use cash anymore, but also because I, like most of us out there, feel that these people will just go out and buy drugs or alcohol with it. Is that really fair to say though?

Again, I’m not going one way or the other on this, but I posted this just to let you know what day it is today. Happy Bum day!

Here’s an article for further reading. [Link was removed because the source was no longer available.]

Connection was reset by server error

I had a computer today with a problem that every once in a while, the internet would stop working. There was no sign of the connection going out (wireless, wired, etc.). You would just be on a website and by the time you clicked the 3rd or 4th link, you’d see a “server cannot be found error”. To further test, I started a hefty download (Windows SP3) and sure enough, 30 seconds in, the download stopped and the error “connection reset by server” was shown.

Computer Info:
Windows XP SP2
Hard wired ethernet to router then to cable modem

I tried Winsock fixes, dnsflushing, network connection repair, etc. and nothing helped. I feel stupid just knowing that all it was was that this client had originally been an AT&T DSL customer and had the 2Wire modem/router diagnostics software installed. I removed it and the problem was solved! It looks like this software was running in the background trying to “fix” a connection that was no longer there.

Case closed.

Science experiment on spiders

I was browsing around YouTube today and found a very interesting science experiment in which doctors were giving different types of drugs (legal and illegal) to spiders to see the effects on web building. It’s very similar to the way drugs affect humans. Take a look…


Video description from YouTube:

In 1965 Dr. Peter Witt gave drugs to spiders and observed their effects on web building. This short film about the results of the experiment was created by First Church Of Christ, Filmmaker.