Building a Business

Andy Jenkins from developed a mindmap way back in September of 2009 and I really wished I had found it sooner!! 🙁 However, there are no regrets…I have to keep moving on. Essentially what this map does is completely outline a recommended approach to building your online marketing empire. What I saw in it was not just a way to build a marketing empire, but also any online business and then after looking at it further, it appears to be a roadmap for getting any business off the ground. Andy created the map; I defined it.

I’ll warn you now, this thing is big! I know it looks tiny on this page, but once you download it, you’re going to want to sit down and drink a few sips cups of coffee. Andy so lovingly calls it the “Mindmap of Ultimate Woe” and that’s exactly how you’re going to feel after looking at it.


What is this?

You’re looking at a really small version of the original mindmap outlining how to build a successful marketing blog. Everyone hears about making money online, but nobody really tells you how to do it. I started to help people with that and as you’ve seen over the last month, I’m off to a good start. I’ve helped quite a few people get their sites off the ground, but now I’m taking much larger step toward helping you continue with your site.

There are millions of sites out there telling you what I’m telling you, but how many of them actually want to see you succeed? I can assure you the majority of people out there are more interested in helping themselves out. My philosophy has always been (and Andy Jenkins re-affirmed it) that if you help people get what they want, you’ll eventually get help to get what you want.

Fortunately for you, I’m going to explore every piece of this map throughout the next…well, who knows how many days this will take, but I’m going to re-build the entire mindmap section by section in the blog format for you to follow along. In a roundabout way, this map has outlined what I ultimately wanted to accomplish for my own blog, so I’ll get right down to business and start drilling down each section.

Just a heads up; some smaller sections may be condensed into larger sections. I know, I know…I’m trying to find excuses to keep from exploring every piece of this thing! Don’t hate me for it–the end result will be so worth it.

If you’re starting your own business and/or website/blog, here’s a list of things you need to do right now! Even if you already have your own site, there are MANY ways to improve things, so I’d suggest going through some of your own problem areas and see what you can do to fix things.

  1. Subscribe to my RSS feeds by way of bookmarks or email
  2. Follow me on Twitter and find me on Facebook
  3. Sign up for my monthly newsletter
  4. Download the full size MindMap by Andy Jenkins

As I complete a section, I’ll publish a FREE ebook so you can download a complete copy with working links and more information than what’s available on the site. If you’re ready to get started, head on over to the starting line and dive right in!

Boring break-down info

The map will be broken into two initial pieces, the Frontend and the Backend. These pieces will represent exactly what they define: the frontend of the model (promotion, marketing, customer, products, etc.) and the backend of the model (design, list building, content, vendor relationships, etc.). From these two pieces, I’ll break out into sub-sections and articles defining each section.

In order to maintain interest, I’ll breakdown both the Frontend and Backend pieces simultaneously starting from the top down. As always, leave comments, questions and whatever else you have!