I originally created this site to be a personal blog, but after the nice reception I received with the little information I was providing, I decided to change my focus and begin helping others start their own websites and to talk about the latest in technology, entertainment and whatever else comes to mind! Each week, I will post new articles, guides, informational writings, personal observations and just about everything in between. The majority of this site is written by me, with only a few exceptions being guest posts by friends and fans of the site. Please see my copyright information for more details. All credit is given where credit is due.
My life is simple. I have too many hobbies to manage and rather than sit around and do nothing, I decided to bring my information and what knowledge I have to the Internet via this site. Rather than cloud this site with my personal information and ramblings, I created a separate blog site over at Brandon.me. I hope you enjoy both!
As part of my full disclosure statement, I’m not a professional product reviewer or critic, nor do I work for anybody that is. I’m a local IT administrator for a worldwide company and I know my way around the Internet and computers. Other than that, I’m an average person trying to make a success out of this site. If you like what I do here, let me know by commenting, subscribing, linking to my site or just keep coming back!
What you can expect from this site
- 100% Original content– I write all my own content to provide you with fresh, quality information.
- Daily updates – At the very least, I will make one morning post. Eventually, this will move up to two per day and my final goal will be three.
- Honest information – I won’t dupe anyone into any “get rich quick” schemes or provide mis-leading reviews and/or comments on products.
- Related content – Aside from my personal blog section, everything will be related to all things computers and Internet. The primary focus is providing information on how to create and manage your own blog or website and to monetize it.
- Valuable resources – I don’t pretend to know everything! I will link to other valuable sites that can provide further information on a particular subject.
- Me! – I am always available for any questions you may have. There are a number of ways to contact me.
Thanks for visiting,
Brandon Hann
P.S. Please subscribe to the RSS feed. Also, consider following me on Twitter and becoming a friend on Facebook! Visit my contact page for more info.