I was listening to Kevin and Bean on KROQ (Los Angeles 106.7) this morning and they were talking to the world’s only blind movie critic. At first, I thought it was a weird joke they were playing, but it wasn’t. This guy really exists and he takes his job seriously.
His website is http://blindsidereviews.com/ and he really critiques movies!
I think this is facinating and it’s great to see someone out there who can actually still give something back to the world despite his disability.
It might also make for an interesting twist on the reviews themselves given that the only ‘seeing’ he can do is with his ears. That’s puts a whole new challenge back in the hands of movie makers out there: bring back the feeling in movies.
I vote to stop with all these visual enhancements and special effects and focus more on story develpment and characters.
I wish all the best to the blind movie critic and hope his career blossoms.